

越秀区“钻石 29 条”自选政策包-干货条款

发布时间:2018-10-17 09:32:31 浏览:245 来源:网络转载
优企政策包 Policy Package for High-quality Enterprises 【新落户企业奖励】对新落户越秀区的优质企业,视企业落 户、对区贡献情况,经评估认定可最高给予 2000 万元的奖励: 【Rewards for Newly Registered Enterprises】The high-quality enterprise newly registered in Yuexiu District, once assessed, will be granted a reward of up to 20 million yuan according to its registration condition and tax contribution to the Yuexiu District. 
(一)对 2017 年(含)以后新落户的企业,当年统计达到 规模以上或对区贡献达到 100 万元(含)以上的,最高按照其对 区贡献 100%予以奖励,以后两年最高按照其对区贡献的 50%奖 励(含办公用房奖励、高管人才奖励等)。 (I) The enterprise newly registered after 2017 (including in 2017) will be granted reward in proportion to its tax contribution to the district, with the highest rate up to 100%, if the enterprise’s statistics is above the designated size or its tax contribution to the —2— district is 1 million yuan (or more); later in two years the enterprise will obtain a reward of up to 50% of its contribution (including rewards on official buildings and executive talents). 
(二)开办奖励。内资项目实缴注册资本达到 3000 万元(含) 以上的、6000 万元(含)以上的、2 亿元(含)以上的,最高可 奖励 100 万元、200 万元、300 万元;外资项目实缴注册资本达 到 1000 万港币(含)以上的,可按实缴注册资本的 5‰给予奖 励。最高可奖励 500 万元。 (II) Establishment incentives. The Domestic-funded enterprises whose paid-in registered capital reaches to 30 million yuan (or more), 60 million yuan (or more), or 200 million yuan (or more) will be respectively granted reward fund up to 1 million, 2 million or 3 million yuan; the foreign-funded enterprises whose paid-in registered capital reaches to 10 million HKD (or more) will be granted a reward amount to 5‰ of its registered capital and the maximum reward is 5 million yuan .
 (三)办公用房补助。在越秀区租赁或购买自用办公用房给 予最多 3 年的补助。租赁办公用房,落户首年最高可享受租金价 格 100%的补助;进驻第二、三年,视其上年度对区贡献最高可 享受 100%的租金补助。新建或购置办公用房,落户首年最高可 —3— 按每平方米 500 元的
标准给予补助,进驻第二、三年,视其对区 贡献每平方米最高可补助 500 元。每家企业累计最高可补助 500 万元。 (III) Office space subsidies. The government will provide the enterprises which rent or buy self-use office space with up to three-year financial assistance. If the registered enterprise rents office space, it will obtain rent subsidy of up to 100% of the rent in the first year; in the next two years, it can enjoy rent subsidy of up to 100% in proportion to its contribution to the District in the previous year. If the registered enterprise builds or purchases new office space, it can enjoy financial aid with up to 500 yuan per square meter in the first year; in the next two years, it will be granted financial aid with up to 500 yuan per square meter in proportion to its contribution to the District. Each enterprise can obtain the maximum financial aid of 5 million yuan.
 【存量企业奖励】对已落户 3 年及以上的越秀区的优质企 业,视企业增资扩产、对区贡献增量等情况,经评估认定可最高 给予 1000 万元的奖励: 【Existing Enterprise Incentives】All high-quality enterprises —4— registered in Yuexiu District for 3 years or more, once assessed by its incremental capital and expanded scale or its contribution to the District, will be granted reward up to 10 million. 
(一)增资奖励。优质企业增资的,视其对区贡献情况,内 资项目新增实缴注册资本 2 亿元(含)人民币以上的,最高可按 新增资本的 1‰给予奖励;外资项目新增实缴资本 1000 万元(含) 港币以上,可按新增资本 5‰给予奖励,最高可奖励 500 万元。 (I) Reward for capital increase. The high-quality enterprise which increases assets, according to its contribution to the District, if domestic-funded project’s newly added paid-in registration capital amounts to 200 million (or more) yuan, will be granted reward — — 1 ‰ of its incremental capital; if the foreign-funded project’s newly added paid-up registration capital amounts to 10 million HKD (or more), it will be granted a reward of 5‰ of the incremental capital, and the maximum will reach to 5 million yuan. 
(二)扩产奖励。优质企业在越秀扩大经营的,视其对区贡 献情况,增加租赁或新购置办公用房面积 500 平方米(含)以上 的,可按增加面积每 100 平方米补助金额 1 万元的标准,最高可 给予 100 万元的补助。 —5— (II) Scale expansion incentives. The high-quality enterprise which expands its production scale, according to its tax contribution to the District, if it newly rents or purchases office space 500 square meters or more, will be offered a reward of 10 thousand yuan per 100 square meters, and the maximum will reach to 1 million yuan. 
(三)增量贡献奖励。经区认定的当年对区贡献 100 万(含) 以上、同比增长 10%的越秀区优质企业,综合上一年度营业收 入总额、对区贡献情况给予奖励,每家企业最高可奖励 400 万元。 (III) Incentives for the Increment of Contribution. The high-quality enterprise which contributes 1 million (or more) yuan or achieves year-on-year rise of 10%, once assessed by the Yuexiu District government, will be granted certain reward in proportion to the previous year's total income and tax contribution to the District, and each enterprise can obtain a maximum reward of 4 million yuan. 
【平台发展奖励】对传统专业市场建设自营性电商交易平台 或搭建服务性公共电商平台的,视具体情况单个项目最高可给予 100 万元奖励。对使用各类电子商务平台进行交易,全年通过平 台交易额达 1 亿元、经济贡献 1000 万元(含)以上的专业市场, —6— 经认定最高可给予市场开办方 100 万元的奖励。每年将组织评选 出一批电子商务示范企业,对获评企业最高可给予 100 万元的奖 励。 【The Platform Development Incentives】Those who build self-operated e-commerce platform or public service e-commerce platform will be given a reward up to 1 million for certain independent project to a specific situation. Those professional markets who adopt any type of e-commerce platform to promote trade and their yearly turnover and economic contribution respectively reach to 10 million yuan or above, after assessed, will be given a reward up to 1 million yuan. Every year a group of e-commerce demonstration enterprises will be selected to enjoy an incentive bonus up to 1 million yuan. 对于发展潜力大、对区域外经贸转型升级有突出贡献的外经 贸平台项目,给予项目补助。其中,自建外经贸平台的,一次性 给予平台建设企业项目补助,最高奖励 100 万元;利用第三方外 经贸平台的,一次性给予平台使用企业项目补助,最高奖励 100 万。 As to those foreign economic and trade platforms which have a —7— huge development potentials and could make an outstanding contribution to the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, they will be given project subsidies. The enterprises which build foreign economy and trade platform will be provided with project subsidies of up to 1 million yuan; those which adopt third-party foreign economic and trade platform will be provided with a project subsidy of up to 1 million yuan. 
【上市奖励】对在国内主板直接上市企业最高可给予 250 万元奖励,对在中小企业板或创业板直接上市企业最高可给予 200 万元奖励;对在香港或境外(纽约、新加坡、伦敦及区政府 认定的上市点)直接上市的企业最高可给予 200 万元奖励。对成 功在“新三板”挂牌的企业可给予 50 万元的奖励。 【 Incentives for listing 】 The enterprises directly listed on the domestic board can be given up to 2.5 million reward, and the enterprises directly listed in the SME board or GEM can be given up to 2 million reward; enterprises that are directly listed in Hong Kong or overseas (New York, Singapore, London and listing locations recognized by the district government) will be awarded a maximum of $ 2 million yuan. The enterprises that are listed in New three board will be awarded 500 thousand yuan. 
【优质配套服务】上年度对区经济社会发展作出重要贡献的 —8— 企业,以及招商引资引进的优质企业,经认定可以优先申报优质 教育学位,享有专属医疗保健、绿色通道等“越秀金卡”服务。 【Quality Facilities and Services】The high-quality enterprises which make great contribution to the economic and social development of the Yueixiu District in the previous year and the newly introduced high-quality enterprises, once assessed, will have a top priority to apply for Yuexiu Gold Card. With the Yuexiu Gold Card, one can attain enrollment quota of primary and middle schools in the district, medical health care , the Green channel service, etc. 【招商中介奖励】经记管理的招商中介方(含个人)为越秀 区引进优质企业(项目),其中经商务部门认定的全新设立的外 资项目,当年引进项目的实缴外资金额累积达 1000 万元港币 (含)以上的,可按认定外资实缴资本情况给予最高 500 万元的 落户中介奖;属实缴注册资本 3000 万元(含)以上的内资或其 他项目,最高可按项目实缴注册资本的 2‰给予最高 50 万元的 落户中介奖;项目第一个完整财政年度对区贡献达到 100 万元 (含)以上的,最高可按照其对区贡献的 10%给予经营中介奖; 对服务越秀区招商引资工作、提供有效项目信息、贡献突出的招 商中介服务机构,经认定给予额外最高 50 万元招商奖励。 —9— 【 Incentives for Recruiting Investment Medium 】 The registered investment intermediaries (including individuals) that attract high-quality enterprises (projects) into the Yuexiu District, of which foreign investment projects recognized by the commercial departments introduce accumulated amount of 10 million HKD (or more) foreign investment, will be granted a registration intermediary reward up to 5 million yuan as to the specific situation of paid-up foreign capital; those domestic-funded and other projects that paid in more than 30 million registration capital (or more) will be granted the registration intermediary reward with 2‰ of its registration capital, up to 500 thousand yuan. The project whose tax contribution to the district achieves 1 million (or more) in the first fiscal year will be granted an operation intermediary reward as to 10% of its tax contribution to the District; those investment intermediary organizations that provide services for introducing foreign investment, providing efficient project information and making outstanding tax contributions, after assessed, will be granted a additional reward up to 500 thousand yuan. 【重点项目扶持】对带动性强、地方经济发展贡献大的重点 项目,经与越秀区达成战略合作协议,在越秀区长期发展的,经 区政府同意,可单独制定的奖励扶持方案。
  Key Project Support 】 For those greatly contribute to the regional economic development and reach a strategic cooperation agreement with the district government for a long-term development, once recognized by the District government, they can enjoy support and reward policies formulated independently. 
【行业组织活动】服务于越秀区产业发展方向的行业组织, 经认定可参照优质企业给予最高 30 万元奖励;对产生良好经济 效益和社会效益的行业活动,经认定的给予主办方最高 200 万元 奖励。 【 Industry Organizational Activities 】 The industry organizations that serve the industrial development direction of the Yuexiu District shall be given up to 300 thousand yuan for reference to quality enterprises. If those industry activities that produce good economic and social benefits, once recognized by the district government, the sponsor shall be given a reward of up to 2 million yuan. 
 人才政策包 Talents Policy Package 
【四类高端人才奖励】 Four types of high-end talents reward 本办法重点引进和鼓励四类高端人才。 The policy focuses on introducing and encouraging four types of high-end talents. 
一、创新创业领军人才(团队)。诺贝尔奖获得者、院士、 国家“千人计划”创业人才和创新人才(长期项目)等掌握重大 科技项目核心技术,具有自主研发能力和产业化经历,具有学科 优势和行业领先地位,带项目、带技术、带资金在本区创办企业、 领办企业,或在研发机构实施科技成果转化并取得实际成效的科 技人才(团队)。经评定,给予最高 1000 万元的落地奖励。 (I) Leading talents(teams) for innovation and entrepreneurship. The Nobel Laureates, Academicians, entrepreneurship and innovation talents(long-term projects) for national "Thousand Talents Program" who master core technology of key science and technology projects, have independent R&D ability, industrialization experience, discipline advantages and industry leading position, as well as bring in projects, technologies and capital to start and lead the business or implement industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, will be offered a maximum reward of 10 million yuan as reviewed. 
(二)杰出产业人才。具有丰富的资本运作、项目规划、企 业管理经验,具备先进的战略理念和国际视野,熟悉国内外经济 政策,带领企业作出较大税收贡献的高级管理人才,或所在行业 属于现代服务业范畴,带领企业取得突出业绩的高级管理人才。 经评定,按照其年度应纳税工资薪金收入的一定比例给予奖励, 每人最高奖励 300 万元。 (I) Outstanding industrial talents. Outstanding industrial talents are senior management personnel including those who have rich experience in capital operation, project planning and business management, have advanced strategic ideas and international perspective, and are familiar with domestic and foreign economic policies to guide enterprises to make greater tax contribution, or those who belong to the modern service industry and lead enterprises to achieve outstanding performance. Once assessed, each person will be awarded up to 3 million yuan in proportion to his/her yearly taxable wages and salaries. 
(三)产业发展创新人才。拥有相关产业、企业急需紧缺的 关键技术或综合素质,能够促进相关产业及企业项目在自主创 —13 — 新、技术升级等领域取得重大成果的人才。经评定,给予最高 10 万元的薪酬补贴。 (III) Innovative talents for industrial development. The talents who grasp scarce and key technologies or comprehensive qualities needed in relevant industries and enterprises, and can promote the relevant projects to achieve significant results in independent innovation, technological upgrading and other fields, once assessed, shall be given the maximum salary subsidy of 100 thousand yuan. 
(四)社会领域精英人才。鼓励教育、文体、卫生、民政等 行政部门加快人文社科等领域的人才队伍建设,对新引进或新培 养的社会领域精英人才,经评定,给予最高 200 万元奖励;对社 会领域精英人才在区内新设工作室的,经认定,一次性给予最高 100 万元经费支持。 (IIII) Social field elites. The government encourages education, culture, sport, health, civil affairs and other administrative departments to speed up the construction of talent team in humanities and social sciences and other areas. As to the newly introduced or cultivated social field elites, once assessed, they shall be given a maximum reward of 2 million yuan; The social field —14— elites who set up new studio in the District, shall be offered financial support up to 1 million yuan as soon as identified by the district government. 【项目扶持】对掌握世界前沿技术,拥有优质人才资源和科 研资源的顶尖人才,到本区建设重大公共技术平台、实施高端产 业化项目,经区委、区政府同意,给予最高 1 亿元的专项扶持。 凡入选的高端人才带项目、带技术、带资金到本区创办企业、领 办企业的,视所创办、领办企业的投资额度及发展前景给予最高 1000 万元的跟进投资。 【 Project Support 】 The top talents who grasp the world cutting-edge technologies and have quality human resource and scientific research resource build major public technology platform and carry out high-end industrial project in the district, once identified by the district committee and government, shall be given a special support up to100 million yuan. All selected talents bring in projects, technologies and capital to establish or lead new enterprises will be given follow-up investment up to 10 million yuan according to the enterprises' investment amounts and development —15 — prospect . 
【住房保障】凡入选的高端人才,其本人及配偶、未成年子 女尚未在广州市内购买住宅的,在管理期内可申请租住人才公 寓;或在管理期内按最高 1 万元/月的额度享受住房补贴。高端 人才对越秀经济社会发展贡献特别巨大的,经区委、区政府批准, 奖励住房一套。 【Housing Security】During the term of office, the selected high-end talents themselves, their spouses and minor children who have not yet purchased the house in Guangzhou City, can apply for renting talent apartment or enjoy the housing subsidies at the maximum of 10 thousand yuan/month. The high-end talents who have great contribution to the economic and society development of Yuexiu district can be offered an apartment, with the approval of district committee and district government. 【优先入户】凡入选的高端人才及其配偶、子女需在本区落 户的,在遵照广州市有关户籍政策的基础上,给予优先协助解决。 【 Priority of Settlement 】 The selected high-end talents themselves, their spouses and children who need to settle in our district will be given priority to resolve their household registration issues on the basis of Guangzhou's household registration policies.
【医疗保健】凡入选的高端人才,其本人纳入区重点保健对 象范围,可享受由区保健办定期组织安排健康体检,建立健康档 案,提供健康促进及管理、特需医疗协助等服务。 【Medical Care】The selected high-end talents themselves will be brought into the category of key people enjoying health care. They will enjoy regular health examination organized and arranged by the Healthcare Office of District, and health record will be established, health promotion and management, special medical assistance and other services will be provided. 【子女入学】每年安排一定数量的本区行政所属学前教育阶 段和义务教育阶段规范化学校的优质学位,为入选的高端人才子 女提供优质的教育服务。 【Children 's school enrollment】A certain high quality degree quota of standardized schools for pre-school education stage and compulsory education stage will be offered every year, thus to provide high quality education for the high-end talents' children. 
【引才助才奖励】 【Talent Introduction Incentives】
 (一)设立“越秀区招才引智突出贡献奖”,对在本区高端 人才引进工作中作出突出贡献的用人企业和人力资源服务机构 给予奖励。对通过猎头公司等人力资源服务机构从市外引进高端 人才的用人单位,按其引才费用的 50%给予费用补贴,最高每 —17 — 人 5 万元;对用人单位累计引进市外高端人才 5 人以上(含 5 人)的,给予最高 30 万元费用补贴。人力资源服务机构每协助 区内用人单位从市外引进1名高端人才,给予1万元的荐才资助。 (I) Yuexiu District's Outstanding Achievement Awards of Talents Introduction will be established to award the enterprises and human resource service institutions that make an excellent contributions in introducing talents into the Yuexiu District. Enterprises that bring in talents through headhunting firms and other human resource service institutions will be given subsidies as to 50% of the introduction cost, and the maximum is 50,000 yuan per person; enterprises that bring in 5 high-end professionals (or more) will be given subsidies up to 300,000 yuan. The human resource institutions that provide the enterprises with assistance in introducing talents will be given an incentive as 10,000 yuan per person. 
(二)设立“越秀区高端人才服务贡献奖”。依法成立的行 业协会、服务机构或中介机构,为高端人才提供优质创新创业服 务的,经认定给予最高 10 万元/年的经费补贴。行业协会、服务 机构在区内成功举办高水平人才交流活动的,视活动规模、成效 等给予最高 100 万元的资金奖励。 (II) Yuexiu District High-end Talents Service Award will be set up. If the lawfully formed industrial associations, service agencies or intermediaries provide talents with quality innovation and venture services, once identified, they will be given subsidies and allowances up to 100 thousand yuan every year. Industry associations or service institutions, which have successfully held the high-level exchange activities for professionals and experts, shall be given a reward of up to 1 million yuan according to the activities scale and effectiveness. 载体政策包 Carrier Policy Package 
【特色楼宇打造】 【The Creation of Characteristic Buildings】 经认定首次打造成为亿元楼宇的,按对本区经济贡献一次性 给予楼宇业主或运营单位最高 500 万元奖励。 The buildings with 100 million yuan of tax revenue identified for the first time, according to its tax contribution to the district, the owner or operating unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 5 million yuan all at once. 对现有经认定的亿元楼宇,按对本区经济贡献增量每年给予 —19 — 楼宇业主或运营单位最高 200 万元奖励。 As for the existing identified buildings with 100 million yuan of tax revenue per year, according to its increment of tax contribution to the district, the owner or operating unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 2 million yuan each year. 经评定的星级楼宇给予楼宇业主或运营单位最高 150 万元 奖励。 For the star buildings that have been identified, the owner or operating unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 1.5 million yuan .【专业园区创建】 【The Establishment of Specialized Park】 获得省级以上认定的示范园区,给予园区运营单位最高 100 万元奖励。 For the identified demonstration parks at provincial level or above, the operating unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 1 million yuan. 在产业发展集聚、经济贡献突出、科技创新领先、管理特 色鲜明等方面的专业园区,经评选给予园区运营单位最高 30 万 元奖励。 For the specialized parks with industrial development cluster, —20— remarkable economic contribution, leading innovation and technology and distinctive management, the operating unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 300 thousand yuan through appraisal. 
【园区楼宇改造】 【Upgrading of Parks and Buildings】 园区经登记认定的升级改造项目,每个项目最高补助 500 万元。 For the registered and identified upgrading projects of the parks, each project will be rewarded with the maximum of 5 million yuan. 楼宇经登记认定的升级改造项目(含室内外改造、停车位增 设等),每个项目最高补助 300 万元。 For the registered and identified upgrading projects of the buildings, including indoor and outdoor renovation and addition of parking spaces, each project will be rewarded with the maximum of 3 million yuan. 【运营平台建设】 【The Construction of Operation Platforms】 获得市级以上认定的公共服务示范平台,给予平台建设(或 运营)单位最高 100 万元奖励。 For the public service demonstration platforms that have been identified as platforms at municipal level or above, the construction  unit or operation unit will be rewarded with the maximum of 1 million yuan.
 【创新载体提升】 【The promotion of innovative carriers】 新认定区级、市级、省级和国家级创新载体分别给予最高 20 万元、30 万元、50 万元和 400 万元奖励。 The innovative carriers that have been newly identified as carriers at district-level, municipal-level, provincial-level and national-level will be rewarded respectively with the maximum of 200 thousand yuan, 300 thousand yuan, 500 thousand yuan and 4 million yuan. 创新载体培育的企业,根据其对本区经济贡献按每家最高 20 万元给予载体运营单位相应的奖励。 Innovative carriers will be rewarded by their cultivated enterprises' economic contribution to the district, with the maximum of 200 thousand yuan per enterprise. 
【园区企业培育】 【The Cultivation of Enterprises in the Parks】 园区运营单位投资本园区内企业,根据被投资企业对本区经 济贡献,给予该园区运营单位最高 100 万元奖励。 The operation unit of the parks that invest the enterprises in the parks will be rewarded with a maximum of 1 million yuan according  to the economic contribution of invested enterprises to the district. 纳入园区管理的企业可在房租补助、品牌提升、知识产权、 资质认证等方面给予最高累计 300 万元奖励。 The enterprises that integrated into the parks' management, will be rewarded up to accumulated 3 million yuan in rent allowance, brand promotion, intellectual property and quality certification. 
【一区多园】推进一区多园,经认定的楼宇可纳入国家高新 区黄花岗科技园的范围。 【One Zone with Multiple Parks】Promote the strategy of " one zone with multiple parks". The identified buildings will be incorporated into the management of national high-tech zone—— Huang Huagang Science and Technology Park.

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